Regenerating your water softener

Your water softener should be regenerated at least once a week.

To regenerate your water softener just follow these simple steps below:

  • Turn the top valve from the 9 o’clock position to the 3 o’clock position, approx 2 pints of water will come from top tube
  • Unscrew and take top off
  • Pour 2 pints of salt into the softener
  • Put the top back on and screw back down
  • Turn the top valve back to the 9 o’clock position
  • Turn the bottom valve all the way across from the 9 o’clock position to the 3 o’clock position
  • Water will dribble out slowly
  • Leave to run for 45 minutes
  • After 45 minutes taste the water, it should be clear and have no taste of salt. (If you taste salt leave it run a little longer)
  • Turn the bottom valve back to the 9 o’clock position.
  • The softener is now regenerated and is ready for use.
AAA Bar and Catering Services

19 Rowes Yard, Invicta Way, Manston, Kent CT12 5FA.

Tel: 01843 310071/07553 941206